
Megan Eyler, a physical therapist, and her colleagues (Becca Adams, Marti Carroll and Tara Collins) traveled to Romania in late spring of this year. Here are some of Megan's impressions of the work RCE is doing in Romania.

Before we set off for Arad, Marti and Becca, both physical therapists who have spent time in Arad working with RCE (Marti for almost 20 years), shared some of their experiences and stories. This gave me a deeper understanding, but I am so grateful for the rich personal experience I had while visiting.

As I met the children and families served by RCE, I learned of the hardship, tribulation and sadness experienced in many of their lives. But for many, the joy of their current situation has outshone this darkness. It’s incredible the amount of light, love, hope and joy RCE has brought to families in need, abandoned children, children with disabilities and many other underserved but deserving children of God. It was evident that the light of the Lord shines upon this organization, and by God’s great grace, it has changed so many lives forever.

I will never forget the smiles, laughter, and energy of the children of the Darius houses and Sunshine School during our daily PT co-treatments with Natalia and Cipri.  

I will not forget the excitement of the young adults of Amy’s House or those living in Pecica as they showed us their rooms and shared their interests with us.

Nor will I forget the astonishment and tears of happiness from the man we visited who had a stroke and had not taken steps across a room in years.

While visiting and meeting families who have been ministered to by RCE, I was blown away by the generosity and openness shown to us by those who have little.

It is easy to feel the joy versus the darkness in life when we take the time to recognize it in the little things and share it with others. With patience and stewardship, little acts of joy make big dreams come true.  For all the things that bring us down, God’s love for us brings many joyous gifts that lift us up -- a sunny day, a delicious bite of bread, strength for a first step, a new friendship/partnership, a beautiful view, a family volunteering to adopt a child. These are just a few of the many examples of joy I witnessed in just a few days. I will be forever grateful for my time visiting RCE.