Your Christmas gifts are arriving just in time!

Brutal winter weather has settled over Eastern Europe and poor families in remote villages are experiencing a disproportionate share of the suffering. Without sufficient resources of food or fuel, families huddle in one tiny room and struggle with the related consequences of increased illness and social dysfunction. Snow is not charming when you are poor.

There is a temptation to sentimentalize poverty in Romania when the weather is warm, flocks of geese graze by the road, flowers are blooming and grapes drape county courtyards. But not now, not when the reality of winter arrives.  

RCE’s poverty prevention program works all year long to prepare impoverished families to be ready to meet their own needs at such times. And thanks to your partnership hundreds of families are prepared. They have farm animals that provide meat, milk, eggs and limited income. Families have started small businesses with no-interest RCE loans and a growing number are learning to save for emergencies with the micro-savings plan. Preventative medical and dental care is provided all year long. Eight more families (just in 2016) moved into a safe and warm house. Many, many more people received and are receiving your gifts of firewood, farm animals, food, warm clothing and other emergency supplies.

Our team will be busy delivering your gifts of . . . 35 flocks of chickens, 54 goats, pigs and lambs, 13 loads of firewood, 6 milk cows and 4 work horses . . . so that poor families can live in dignity all year long. Your gifts also provided for students at Sunshine School with physical therapy equipment and new school supplies. Darius House kids will enjoy going out on Friday night for pizza parties and other field trips. Hundreds of kids will go to summer Bible camp. The Job’s Program will have the resources needed for the Snack Packs and seeds and plants for the ‘farm’.

Thank you for your generous partnership in 2016; with your help RCE more than met the budget!

RCE Christmas gifts multiply!

Mercy in 2017!  Thanks to you we can make more of that happen!

Christopher McLaughlin

Christopher enjoys a great glass of juice, eating grains that he has never heard of, and seeing how much spinach he can sneak into his children's smoothies.They let him know when he goes too far.