Guest Post: Worshiping together in Romania

The rising high school senior class at one of RCE's partner churches travels to Romania in the summer to learn about the ministry and to help staff and support summer camps for children from impoverished families. The following is a reflection from Grace, one of last year's high school seniors.

This past summer I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Romania with the high school senior class at my church, Fourth Presbyterian. We spent the week serving at RCE's summer camp for children from families experiencing economic hardship as well as helping pour concrete for the roof of a new house that RCE was building.

Throughout the week I was able to witness the hands and feet of Jesus through the work of RCE. As they care for widows and orphans, they directly follow Jesus’ command in James 1:27. While in church we hear about the work being done by RCE and other wonderful mission organizations Fourth helps support, it is quite different to leave our comfortable suburban homes and witness it first-hand.

This summer I had that chance.  At the camp I was working with kids from all different rough backgrounds. I was amazed that no matter the situation, whether it was poverty, sickness, or abandonment, they came together at worship time to sing praises to Jesus.

I am grateful I had the privilege to participate.

-Grace E.

Fourth Presbyterian Church