The Blessing of Belonging in Christian Community

Sorin was born into a world of darkness. He lived in isolation, unable to speak, kept behind orphanage walls for nine years - until RCE rescued him. Ten years later, Sorin’s art explodes with wonder at the world that was opened to him by God’s people. Smiling self- portraits, friends eating together, exploding fireworks, planes, trains and machinery, and lots of whimsical animals – Sorin’s work exudes joy and life.


Simple joys: Claudiu's story

Meet Claudiu. He is 15 years old. His father left and his mother has disabilities. He has a younger brother and a sister.

This is Claudiu a few years ago.

This is Claudiu a few years ago.

Claudiu came to the Darius Houses through Child Protection Services because his mother was unable to care for him, and he often lived on the street. He came with some trauma from his mother’s actions.

Claudiu and Cristi, one of our Sunshine School teachers, at a fun event at the school.

Claudiu and Cristi, one of our Sunshine School teachers, at a fun event at the school.

In the past few years, Claudiu has learned lots of things, like feeding himself, dressing himself and sometimes even taking care of some of the younger kids.

Today, he is a strong teenager, full of life, and attends classes at the Sunshine School. Claudiu has worked hard all summer with our construction team, making a bike path on campus and building the new patio for Amy’s House. He also regularly helps with cleaning the house, setting the table and taking out the garbage.

Claudiu flying!

Claudiu flying!

Claudiu’s biggest struggles come with big feelings that are difficult for him to control. He struggles to communicate his frustration. He requires extra attention, but with encouragement, he thrives and is capable of great things.

Claudiu (back center) and his class at the Sunshine School.

Claudiu (back center) and his class at the Sunshine School.

Claudiu loves helping, but his greatest joy is a simple can of juice. Twice a month on Fridays at the Sunshine School, they enjoy social activities like going to the theater, park or supermarket. So every other Friday, when he knows they’ll go to the store, he comes into Ovi’s office, asking him for 2 lei (50 cents) to buy a can of juice!

Another picture from the event on campus.

Another picture from the event on campus.

We don’t know yet what God’s plan for his life is, but for now we are working to create a program that suits him and helps him develop his communication and social skills.

Melon picking!

Melon picking!


I cannot believe September is almost over! It has been a full month, as we had lots of activities and events.

First of all, our campus is starting to look more like a playground instead of an construction area! The older kids (including Claudiu -- see next week's post about him!) helped with painting, cleaning and cutting the grass.

Also the school year started! Almost 70 kids from Darius Houses and Arad started the new school year. It was great to see how students reacted seeing old friends and classmates or teachers. We pray that God will watch over the Sunshine School this year, protecting the students and giving wisdom, patience and energy to the teachers!


We had an American team visit us one week this month. Some of them are board members and others were here in Romania for the first time. Together they visited families and RCE projects, participated in building a roof and at one of our community events. It is great to see how God is bringing people to work for His ministry!

The community event the Americans participated in was a dinner for local businessmen. We invited members of the community to come see the ministry and its projects, to meet some of our kids and in the end to be encouraged to help sustain RCE long term. It was a nice to have dinner together and to be able to talk to each other. We hope God will touch hearts and will bring people to support this ministry!

Board Member's perspective: I was looking to serve

Every few weeks in this space, one of RCE's directors or board members will share the heart and philosophy behind the ministry. This week's post is by Marti Carroll, a board member who uses her skills and gifts as a physical therapist to train and equip our team in Romania.

Marti (R) with Natalia (L), the physical therapist at the Darius Houses, with one of RCE's recent Walkathon/Fun Run guests, Florinel.

Marti (R) with Natalia (L), the physical therapist at the Darius Houses, with one of RCE's recent Walkathon/Fun Run guests, Florinel.

One Saturday night a while back, I called my friend Kim in Seattle. She had lead me to the Lord years earlier and I asked her to join me in praying that God would reveal a new opportunity for me to serve as a part of the body of Christ. 

The very next morning, I sat in my usual place at the 8AM service at Fourth. Carmen and Mihai Bocsa of Romanian Christian Enterprises shared their vision for a home for disabled orphan children with us that day.  When they said they were in need of ‘MEDICAL HELP’ I thought it worth a conversation even though I really knew NOTHING about Romania and had little experience treating children.

After the service, I approached their Executive Director, Mary Ann Bell, and told her that I was a physical therapist and was WILLING TO HELP.  Mary Ann told me that I was the ‘answer to their prayers’ as they had been looking for a physical therapist to join their team.

That was 17 years ago. My life was forever changed. 

It was all so simple, wasn’t it? I was looking for something, I prayed. God was working all along and just wanted me to join him.

I have been to Romania dozens of times since, and I have witnessed MIRACLES!

An extended family reunited with an orphan child after years of searching, a little boy taking steps when every medical professional said walking was impossible. God transforming one life after another—disabled orphan child, broken family, poor widow, ME.

When I returned home from my first trip to Romania I very quickly realized that I was not at all the person I was before I left.  All the discomfort and uncertainty I felt as I prepared for the trip, only drew me closer to God and made me more dependent on Him, in the end.

It was no longer about me and what I wanted, but about God and what He wanted. I realized the futility of my own ways and experienced a radical change in my life as I began to understand what God desired for me.

As uncomfortable as it can be, there is such freedom that comes with relinquishing control and trusting the spirit’s leading.

Four weeks from now, I will be back in Romania partnering with God in his work there. Serving alongside dedicated believers who have little, yet have so much at the very same time.

My prayer is that each one of us can embrace that willingness to be just a bit uncomfortable and join in on the work that God is already doing all around us.

Marti and Florinel again, this time with Cipri, one of RCE's physical therapists at the Sunshine School.

Marti and Florinel again, this time with Cipri, one of RCE's physical therapists at the Sunshine School.



August was indeed a summery month -- lots of our employees took vacation and the weather was on their side! But we still had a lot of work to do.

The first week of August we all enjoyed a Hamburger Day together and the kids from Darius Houses and Amy's House along with the staff from the office had an outdoor lunch! We had juice and music and it was great fun.

In the second week of camp one of our board members, Marti Caroll, came to enjoy a summer week in Romania. She worked with Natalia the PT to provide therapy for kids, especially Luci and Angelin who had surgery at the beginning of the summer.

Picture taken by Marti Carroll during her recent visit. This is Natalia, one of RCE's physical therapists, working with Luci after his recent leg surgery.

Picture taken by Marti Carroll during her recent visit. This is Natalia, one of RCE's physical therapists, working with Luci after his recent leg surgery.

The third week was fun for kids at Darius Houses as they were away at camp! They had a fine weather and enjoyed the time there. They slept in teepees and wagon trains, had water fights and camp fires! The sky was fabulous each night. (More details to come about this camp in a future post!)

Currently, the RCE campus is under renovation. We hope to have a new playground and bike path for the kids by the first day of school on September 12! Thank you for your prayers as we transition into the new school year.