Save the date: Emilian is coming back!

Emilian was 10 years old when you met him at the 2009 Walk-a-Thon. He made friends with everyone he met. Something about his big smile, giggle, and sweet spirit. But Emilian desperately wanted a family of his own and people who met him began to pray with him for that special blessing. God answered his prayers (and yours) and now Emilian is coming back for the spring events with his brother, Paul!

Emilian and Paul will be joined by Cristi Dagau. Cristi was eight years old when he was placed in a family through RCE and today he is the Administrator and part time teacher at Sunshine School. Cristi has a lovely wife and baby daughter, their family is a picture of restoration into the second generation.

Emilian is a young man now. He made a profession of faith and joined the church last year. He will finish high school soon and, by God’s grace, Emilian has all the hopes and expectations of any bright, eager, 18-year-old with a loving family to guide him.
Come and join these fine young men and help RCE raise funds for many other needy young people at the Darius Houses, Sunshine School and Amy’s House!

Save the Date! April 29th
5K RUN at Landon School, MD, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Walk-a-Thon along the C & O Trail in VA, 12:30 to 4:00 p.m.
Click the orange banner at the top of the page to register or download flyers (sponsor sign-ups are on the back of the flyer).

Thank you for your prayers for RCE as we continue to seek God’s wisdom and direction in our negotiations with the County of Arad.